You might be able to open the Time Entry Tool from one of the following locations:
•From the My Pending Tasks portal pane on your homepage, click the Enter Time link.
•From the All Services tab, under Tools, click the Time Entry Tool link.
•From an open matter (for example, Transaction, Dispute, Project), select the Activities tab, and click the Time Entry Tool link.
Time Entry Tool Screen Field Descriptions
The table below contains the default field information for the Time Entry Tool. The fields that you see may vary based on your system settings and assigned rights.
Field or control
Click to add the time entry to the table.
Click to remove the selected time entries from the existing time entries table.
Select one of the following:
•All—Displays posted and unposted time entries. •Posted—Displays only posted time entries. •Unposted—Displays only unposted time entries. |
Tasks For
Click the icon next to the field to select a date within the desired time period.
Select the Timekeeper for the time entry. By default, your name displays. If you have the rights to act as timekeeper for other timekeepers, their names also display in the drop-down list.
Available Hours
(read-only) Displays the total billable hours for this time period.
Total Hours
(read-only) Displays the current total number of hours for the time entries in this time period. This field displays in red while the Total Hours value is less than the Available Hours value.
Post All
Click to post all current time entries for this time period.
Void All
Click to void all current time entries for this time period.
Find and select the matter you want to associate with the time entry.
Enter a description of the time entry.
Select the appropriate category for the time entry.
Completed On
Enter a date or click the calendar icon next to the field to select the date when the time entry is completed.
Enter the number of hours spent for the time entry.
Posting Status
(read-only) Displays one of the following:
•Posted—The time entry has been submitted as a billable activity. •Not Posted—The time entry has not been submitted as a billable activity. |
Time Entry table
Displays the list of time entries.
Select the corresponding check boxes on the left to edit, delete, post, or void the respective time entries.
Click to post the selected time entries to their respective accounts.
Click to void the selected time entries.