From an invoice's Payments page, you can enter information about an invoice payment. For example, you can record the date an invoice was sent to Accounts Payable, an invoice payment's Check # or Check Date.
1.Search for an invoice and open it. 2.Click the Payments link from the left navigation pane. 3.Enter information described in the field descriptions table Invoice Payments Page Fields table. 4.Select a save option. |
Invoice Payments Page Field Descriptions
The table below contains the default field information for the Invoice Payments page. The fields that you see may vary based on your system settings and assigned rights. Field descriptions are listed in alphabetical order and may display in a different order in the application.
Check #
The check number used for invoice payment.
Check Date
The date the invoice payment check was issued.
PO Number
The invoice PO number.
Ready to send to AP
check box to indicate status of an invoice. If checked, the invoice is ready to sent to accounts payable (AP).
Sent to AP
Date that an invoice was sent to accounts payable (AP).
Total Amount on Check
The invoice payment check amount.
Withholding Amount
The amount of a billed invoice that is withheld.