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Accounts are records of money, or budgets, that your organization allocates for according to specific vendors, internal expenses, and settlements associated with a particular matter.

TeamConnect automatically creates all necessary accounts when you create a new budget on a matter record. The following accounts track the appropriate transactions as you post expenses or invoices or adjust budgets on the Budgets page.


Tracks transactions from

Phase & Task Code Fees

Invoices tasks of the Fees category

Phase & Task Code Expenses

Invoices expenses of the Matter Cost : Expenses category

Other Vendor Fees

Invoices tasks of the Matter Cost : Other Vendor Fees category

Other Vendor Expenses

Invoices expenses of the Matter Cost : Other Vendor Expenses category

Internal Expenses

Expense records of the Matter Cost : Internal Expenses category

Internal Fees

Fees records of the Matter Cost : Internal Fees category

If your organization organizes budgets by vendor, TeamConnect creates two additional accounts for each outside counsel firm associated with the matter. See Understanding Budget Features for more information.

Phase & Task Code Fees and Expenses post to the same accounts based on the lowest parameter, as defined by the budget parameter hierarchy.