1.Go to the My Workflow Processes page using the hyperlinks in the My Workflow Processes portal pane or by selecting Workflow Processes from the All drop-down list on the tab bar. 2.Click Attention Required or In Progress, depending on whether the process has an issue or not. The list of processes is displayed.
3.Click the Reassignment icon for the process that you want to reassign. The Reassignment page displays for that process.
4.For each stop where reassignment is necessary, select the Reassignment Action and then select the user to whom you want to reassign the approval request. If you are reassigning an expired process or stop to the same user, select Assign again.
If necessary, click Show Approval History to review the previous events in the process.
5.When you finish selecting assignees, click OK. The new approvers are notified of the request in their My Approvals page, and receive an email if their notifications are set accordingly.
The reassignment now appears in the request log when you click the View Log icon.