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After you click the Results Display Configuration button, you can specify the Join Conditions. Each Join Conditions section displays as an area into which you drag fields that connect two data series.


The number of join conditions is equal to the number of individual data series you have defined, minus one. For example, a report with four individual data series requires three join conditions. If a data series is not represented in a join condition, its data does not appear in the report.

Consider the following when you drag fields to the Join Conditions:

The fields from each data series should be compatible, meaning that both data types match.

oMatching Project fields—A general Project (relating to "All Projects") can match a specific Project (for one record type) or another general Project. However, two specific Project fields must share the same record type, or they do not match.

oMatching Object Link fields—Object Link fields are always specific to one record type, so they can match a general Project or a specific Object Link of the same record type. Two specific Object Link fields of different record types do not match.

Each join requires you to drag a field from one data series, and then a compatible field from another data series, into the join condition. Fields must be one of the following datatypes:

oAn Account

oA User

oA Contact

oA Project (Custom Object)

oAn Object Link

Click edit_pencil_icon in the Join Conditions area to set the type of join from the Properties. The type of join can be an Inner Join or a Left Outer Join. These join types are equivalent to the types of joins found in your database server.