Use the information below to help you select the appropriate operators.
For text fields, there are several operators:
Begins With |
The text string that you specify must be present at the beginning of the record's related field. Any additional text beyond that string is not considered part of the search. |
Equal To |
The text string that you specify must be exactly the same as the record's related field. |
Not Equal To |
The text string that you specify must not be the same as the record's related field. |
Contains |
The text string that you specify must be present somewhere in the record's related field, not necessarily at the beginning or the end. |
Does Not Contain |
The text string that you specify must not be present somewhere in the record's related field. |
Ends With |
The text string that you specify must be present at the end of the record's related field. Any additional text before that string is not considered part of the search. |
Has No Value |
The specified field does not contain a value. You might use the Has No Value operator if you are searching for records where the selected field does not contain a value, such as contact records that do not have a value in the Social Security field. |
Has Value |
The specified field contains a value. The Has Value operator is useful if you are searching for records where the selected field contains a value, such as contact records that provide a value in the Job Title field. |
Before |
The search will return all records that appear alphabetically before the text string that you specify. |
Before (Including) |
The search will return all records that appear alphabetically before the text string that you specify, including the text string that you specify. |
After (Including) |
The search will return all records that appear alphabetically after the text string that you specify, including the text string that you specify. |
After |
The search will return all records that appear alphabetically after the text string that you specify. |
Note: In all of the options above, case is ignored when testing for matching characters.
If you are searching using multiple options in the Value area, you can use Begins With, Ends With, Equal To, and Contains only.
When you place the cursor inside a date field, a popup window appears so that you can select a date from the calendar.
For date fields, you can choose from several operators to search for dates:
Older Than |
Days on and before the date you enter. |
Newer Than |
Days on and after the date you enter. |
Between |
A range of dates, including the dates you enter. To search for one date, you can leave one of the fields empty or use both fields for the same date. |
Has No Value |
The date field does not contain a value. |
Has Value |
The date field contains a value. |
Time fields allow you to specify an exact time, to the minute and provides a time icon you can click to open a list of possible times of day. For convenience, you can click on an entry in the list rather than typing the time value manually.
For number fields, there are several operators:
Equal To |
The number that you specify must be exactly the same as the record's related field. |
Greater Than |
The number in the record's related field must be greater than the number that you specify. |
Greater Than or Equal To |
The number in the record's related field must be greater than, or equal to, the number that you specify. |
Less Than |
The number in the record's related field must be less than the number that you specify. |
Less Than or Equal To |
The number in the record's related field must be less than, or equal to, the number that you specify. |
Between X and Y (Inclusive) |
When you choose this option, a second input field appears next to the existing input field. You must type a number in the existing input field and a second, higher number in the second input field. The record's related field must have a value that lies between the two numbers that you specify, or matches one of the two numbers that you specify. |
Has No Value |
The specified field does not contain a value. |
Has Value |
The specified field contains a value. |
Equal To |
The results must contain the specified users. This operator is only available if you are using multiple options in the Value area. |
Not Equal To |
The results must not contain the specified users. This operator is only available if you are using multiple options in the Value area. |
For Memo text boxes, you can use the Contains, Has No Value, and Has Value operators.
Note: Searching memo text fields with the Contains operator only supports alphanumeric characters.
For Lists, you can use the Is, Is Not, Has No Value, and Has Value operators.
For multi-value list fields, there are several operators:
Contains Any |
Any of the values that you specify must be contained in the saved values of the multi-value list field. |
Contains None |
None of the values that you specify must be contained in the saved values of the multi-value list field. |
Contains All |
The full set of values that you specify must be contained in the saved values of the multi-value list field. |
Does Not Contain All |
The full set of values that you specify must not be contained in the saved values of the multi-value list field. |
Contains Exactly |
All of the values that you specify must match exactly to the saved values of the multi-value list field. |
Does Not Contain Exactly |
All of the values that you specify must match exactly to the values that are not saved in the multi-value list field. |
Has Value |
The specified multi-value list field contains a value. |
Has No Value |
The specified multi-value list field does not contain a value. |
For Projects, you can use the Equal To, Not Equal To, Has No Value, and Has Value operators. If you search using multiple value criteria, you can use the Equal To operator only.
For object fields, you can use the Equal To, Not Equal To, Has No Value, and Has Value operators.