You can edit the default settings that affect billing Time Period organization, the Time Entry Tool Available Hours value, that determine who can use the Time Entry Tool, and available Task Categories from the Time Entry Tool.
1.Click the Time Entry Settings link under the All tab in the upper-right of TeamConnect. 2.Click the Edit Record icon . The following fields are on the General page, Details section. 3.To change the Time Period, click the drop-down list and select Daily, Weekly (default), or Monthly. The period determines the time span for which Legal Administrators can define billing Time Periods and time spans for which users can enter time entries. 4.If you selected Weekly for the Time Period above, type the billable Days per week. Days per week only displays if the Time Period was set to Weekly.
5.Type the Total Billable Hours per day (default - 8). On the Time Entry Tool, this value is used to calculate the total Available Hours for a Time Period. For weekly time periods, the Total Billable Hours per day value is multiplied by the Days per week value (described above) to produce the Available Hours (displayed on the Time Entry Tool). For example, for one week's time period, the default Available Hours could be (6 Days per week * 8 Total Billable Hours per day) = 48 hours.
For monthly time periods, Monday through Friday are considered billable (or there are 5 billable days per week). For example, Available Hours for the month of June (21 weekdays) would be (21 Days per month * 8 Total Billable Hours per day) = 168 hours.
6.Select one or more Timekeeper Categories. These values determine the default category required for a TeamConnect®Legal Matter Management contact to be authorized as a timekeeper (prerequisite to using the Time Entry Tool). 7.To restrict the Task Category to describe a new record, click the drop-down list and select a category. In the Time Entry Tool, this value (and child categories) displays as an option from the Category drop-down list when adding time entries. In the Time Entry Tool, only tasks (created from Disputes or Transaction Matter records) with the Default Category that is specified in the drop-down list as the current Task Category will display. For example, if a new task record with Default Category of Internal Tasks (default Task Category value in Time Entry Settings) is saved, then that task will display as a time entry in the Time Entry Tool.
8.Click a save option. |