Filters on the results page can be utilized to improve efficiency in retrieving results. The following notes provide more detail on using this functionality.
•As some objects may be under multiple categories, child objects will reflect a higher number than what may be accumulated in the parent category.
Example Filter Tree:
Contracts (5)
US Contracts (4)*
Southern US (3)*
Texas Contract
Louisiana Contract
Alabama Contract
Midwest US (2)*
Texas Contract
Iowa Contract
Int'l Contracts (1)
Europe (1)
France Contract
After selecting the desired filter buttons, click Apply Filters. The results do not auto-refresh after each checkbox is selected. Click Clear Filters to return to the initial results screen.
•Parent categories will be automatically selected if a child category checkbox is clicked.
•Click the left and right arrows next to the scroll bar to expand or collapse the filter window for more detail.
Filtering on Search Results