You can use the All tab to access the SOP list view, SOP Settings, and the SOP Retrieval logs.
The SOP options on the All tab list are as follows:
•Service of Process <RA name>
•SOP Settings
•Retrieval Logs
Select Service of Process <RA name> to open the SOP Manager list view for the selected RA service. See Managing SOP Record Retrieval for more information.
Recently Viewed Page
The first time that you try to view SOP records, it may appear that there are no records available in the list view. This is because the list view defaults to the Recently Viewed collection. To view all of the records that you have the rights to view, click the All SOPs link in the left pane. The next time that you access the list view, it defaults to the last collection that you opened. See Using SOP Collections for more information.
Select SOP Settings to open the SOP settings page where you can manage the connection to your RA service, turn the automatic retrieval on or off, set up notifications for new SOP records, perform a checksum, and manually retrieve SOP records using an ID number. You must have administrative rights to perform these tasks. See the SOP Manager Administration Help for more information.
SOP Settings
Select Retrieval Logs from the All drop-down list to open the Retrieval Log list view. See Viewing the Retrieval Logs for more information.
Retrieval Logs