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Service of Process is the legal method of notifying a person or company when there is a legal action filed against them. Usually, notification is provided by delivering a set of court documents to the party being served.

A Registered Agent (RA) is a company that is authorized to accept service of court documents on behalf of the party being served. It is then up to the RA to make sure that the party being served receives the court documents in a timely manner.

Service of Process (SOP) Manager lets you retrieve SOP records from your RA, view all of the record information electronically, and then process the records according to your company policy.

Records are retrieved automatically from your RA based on a schedule that you set. When records are retrieved, individual TeamConnect SOP records are created and the fields are populated using the associated data feed from the RA. The data and any document attachments are then saved for future use. Additionally, SOP Manager allows you to map the SOP record fields to a TeamConnect matter.

SOP Manager also provides a detailed retrieval history so that you can easily see which records were not retrieved and other errors that may need attention. If specific records were not retrieved, you can contact your RA re-queue them, or use SOP Manager to manually retrieve them. See Viewing the Retrieval Logs and Retrieving SOP Records Manually for information about these tasks.

To ensure that you received all of the records transmitted by your RA, you can perform a checksum to verify that the number of records transmitted actually matches the number of records in TeamConnect. See Performing a Checksum for more information.