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This section describes some of the changes that you may see if you are upgrading from an earlier version of TeamConnect to version 4.0.


The following changes may impact TeamConnect users.


Requests to Approve page—See Viewing Your Pending Approvals for more information.

oThe Internal Comments field no longer appears when you place a check-mark in the check-box of a request. Click Approve or Reject to enter comments in Internal Comments.

oThe Record field no longer includes all possible record types that could have a request. You can only select record types for requests you have.

oThe Days Pending Action column appears instead of the Due Date column if the administrator enables the setting that shows the days remaining instead of date of expiration. If the administrator does not enable this setting, the Due Date column appears and not the Days Pending Action column.

oThe Record field includes an All Records option instead of a (Select) option.

Pending approvals now expire at the end of the day of expiration instead of the same time as the creation of the request.


The following changes may impact TeamConnect administrators.

Email Settings

The IMAP Settings block is now called TeamConnect Mail Server Settings. See Setting Up Email for more information.

The Email Properties block is now called Outgoing Mail Server Settings.

oThe SMTP Host Name field is now called Outgoing mail server (STMP).

oThe Use Authentication field is now called Outgoing server requires authentication.

oThe Use SSL for SMTP server field is now called Use SSL/TLS.


The following changes may impact TeamConnect designers.

Search Views

Search Views tab—The Use this search view's results display for workflow approvals field is now called Use this search view for workflow approvals because the results display is no longer the only part of the search view that the page uses. See Accessing the Search View Screen for more information.