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Matter Statistics Reports

Report Name


MTR01 Open Matter Count by Vendor

A pie chart that displays all open matters in the system grouped by Vendor, subdivided into Disputes and Transactions. By default, the 15 vendors with the greatest number of disputes and/or transactions will be included in the chart.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:


oFilter Criteria

Involved Party.Default Role

oResults Display

Involved Party.Contact

Involved Party.Dispute

Involved Party.Default Category

Involved Party.Main Assignee


oFilter Criteria

Involved Party.Default Role

oResults Display

Involved Party.Contact

Involved Party.Transaction

Involved Party.Default Category

Involved Party.Main Assignee

MTR02 Matter Count by Current Phase

A pie chart that displays distribution of disputes and transaction matters by their current phase.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:


oFilter Criteria

Dispute.Current Phase

oResults Display

Dispute.Object Link

Dispute.Default Category

Dispute.Current Phase

Dispute.Main Assignee


oFilter Criteria

Transaction.Current Phase

oResults Display

Transaction.Object Link

Transaction.Default Category

Transaction.Current Phase

Transaction.Main Assignee

MTR03 Open Matter Count by Main Assignee

A pie chart that displays the top 15 assignees by the count of open dispute and transaction matters where each is a main assignee.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:


oFilter Criteria

Dispute.Current Phase

Dispute.Main Assignee Assigned Date

oResults Display

Dispute.Object Link

Dispute.Main Assignee


oFilter Criteria

Transaction.Current Phase

Transaction.Main Assignee Assigned Date

oResults Display

Transaction.Object Link

Transaction.Main Assignee

MTR04 Matter Count Opened or Closed by Time Period

A column chart that displays the count of matters opened and closed in the selected time period, aggregated by day, month, quarter, or year.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:


oFilter Criteria

Dispute.Opened On

oResults Display

Dispute.Object Link

Dispute.Opened On

Dispute.Closed On


oFilter Criteria

Dispute.Closed On

oResults Display

Dispute.Object Link

Dispute.Opened On

Dispute.Closed On

MTR05 Top Disputes Count by Dispute Category

A bar chart that displays the top 15 categories amongst currently open disputes.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:

Open Disputes

oFilter Criteria

Dispute.Current Phase

Dispute.Modified On

Dispute.Opened On

oResults Display

Dispute.Object Link

Dispute.Default Category

Dispute.Main Assignee

MTR06 Top Transaction Count by Transaction Category

A bar chart that displays the top 15 categories amongst currently open transactions.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:

Open Transactions

oFilter Criteria

Transaction.Current Phase

Transaction.Created On

Transaction.Modified On

oResults Display

Transaction.Object Link

Transaction.Default Category

Transaction.Main Assignee