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Invoice Reports

Report Name


INV01 Billed Invoices vs Paid Invoices by Vendor

A bar chart that displays the total amount billed (invoiced) and the total amount paid by vendor for the selected time period.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:

Billed Amounts

oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Invoice Date

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

Invoice.Total Amount on Check

Amounts Paid

oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Invoice Date

Invoice.Posting Status

Invoice.Sent to AP

Invoice.Total Amount on Check

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute matter

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

Invoice.Total Amount on Check

INV02 Invoice Accruals by Matter

A bar chart that displays the total accruals by matter for the selected time period.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:


oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Invoice Date

Invoice.Invoice Type

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

INV03 Invoice Accruals by Vendor

A bar chart that displays the total accruals by vendor for the selected time period.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:


oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Invoice Date

Invoice.Invoice Type

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

INV03 Invoice Accruals by Vendor

A bar chart that displays the total accruals by vendor for the selected time period.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:


oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Invoice Date

Invoice.Invoice Type

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

INV04 Total Invoice Count by Time Period

A column chart that displays the total count of invoices created in the selected time period, aggregated by month, quarter, or year.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:

Monthly Invoices

oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Invoice Date

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

INV05 Total Invoice Amount by Time Period

A column chart that displays the total net amount of invoices created in the selected time period, aggregated by month, quarter, or year.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:

Monthly Invoices

oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Invoice Date

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

INV06 Top Invoice Adjustment by Vendor

A bar chart that displays the total amount of invoices as well as the total amount of invoice adjustments aggregated by vendor and sorted in descending order on total adjustments. By default, the 10 vendors with the largest total invoice adjustments are shown. This typically indicates that the vendor is submitting invoices that don't follow the client's billing guidelines. User can also enter a time frame within which to make this comparison. Invoices whose invoice date fields fall within the specified time frame will be considered in the report.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:

Adjusted Invoices

oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Invoice Date

Invoice.Posting Status

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Original Invoice Total

Invoice.Invoice Discount Total

Invoice.Invoice Adjustment Total

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

Submitted Invoices

oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Invoice Date

Invoice.Posting Status

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Original Invoice Total

Invoice.Invoice Discount Total

Invoice.Invoice Adjustment Total

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

INV07 Top Invoice Credit Notes by Matter

A bar chart that displays the total amount of Credit Notes aggregated by matter and sorted in descending order on total amount. By default, the 10 matters with the largest total credit notes are shown.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:

Credit Notes by Matter

oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Invoice Type

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

INV08 Top Invoice Credit Notes by Vendor

A bar chart that displays the total amount of Credit Notes aggregated by vendor and sorted in descending order on total amount. By default, the 10 vendors with the largest total credit notes are shown.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:

Credit Notes by Vendor

oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Invoice Type

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

INV09 Top Invoice Rejection Count by Vendor

A bar chart that contrasts the total number of invoices submitted by a vendor to the number rejected by the client. User can also enter a time frame within which to make this comparison. Invoices whose invoice date fields fall within the specified time frame will be considered in the report.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:

Rejected Invoices

oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Invoice Date

Invoice.Posting Status

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

Submitted Invoices

oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Invoice Date

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

INV10 Top Invoice Rejection Amount by Vendor

A bar chart that contrasts the total net amount of invoices submitted by a vendor to the total net amount of invoices rejected by the client. User can also enter a time frame within which to make this comparison. Invoices whose invoice date fields fall within the specified time frame will be considered in the report.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:

Rejected Invoices

oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Invoice Date

Invoice.Posting Status

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

Submitted Invoices

oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Invoice Date

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

INV11 Top Invoice Count by Matter

A bar chart that displays the total number of invoices submitted for a matter, subdivided into posted invoices and pending invoices. Users can also enter a time frame within which to make this comparison. Invoices whose invoice date fields fall within the specified time frame will be considered in the report.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:

Posted Invoices

oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Current Workflow Status

Invoice.Invoice Date

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

Invoice.Posting Status

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Default Category

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

Pending Invoices

oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Current Workflow Status

Invoice.Invoice Date

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

Invoice.Posting Status

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Default Category

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

INV12 Top Invoice Amount by Matter

A bar chart that displays the total net invoice amount of invoices submitted for a matter, subdivided into posted invoices and pending invoices. Users can also enter a time frame within which to make this comparison. Invoices whose invoice date fields fall within the specified time frame will be considered in the report.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:

Posted Invoices

oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Current Workflow Status

Invoice.Invoice Date

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

Invoice.Posting Status

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Default Category

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

Pending Invoices

oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Current Workflow Status

Invoice.Invoice Date

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

Invoice.Posting Status

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Default Category

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

INV13 Top Invoice Count by Matter Category

A bar chart that displays the total number invoices submitted for a matter category, subdivided into posted invoices and pending invoices. Users can also enter a time frame within which to make this comparison. Invoices whose invoice date fields fall within the specified time frame will be considered in the report.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:

Posted Invoices

oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Current Workflow Status

Invoice.Invoice Date

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

Invoice.Posting Status

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Default Category

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

Pending Invoices

oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Current Workflow Status

Invoice.Invoice Date

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

Invoice.Posting Status

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Default Category

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

INV14 Top Invoice Amount by Matter Category

A bar chart that displays the total net amount of invoices submitted for a matter category, subdivided into posted invoices and pending invoices. Users can also enter a time frame within which to make this comparison. Invoices whose invoice date fields fall within the specified time frame will be considered in the report.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:

Posted Invoices

oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Current Workflow Status

Invoice.Invoice Date

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

Invoice.Posting Status

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Default Category

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

Pending Invoices

oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Current Workflow Status

Invoice.Invoice Date

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

Invoice.Posting Status

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Default Category

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

INV15 Top Invoice Count by Vendor

A bar chart that displays the total number invoices submitted for each vendor, subdivided into posted invoices and pending invoices. By default, the counts are shown for the 10 vendors with the greatest number of submitted invoices. Users can also enter a time frame within which to make this comparison. Invoices whose invoice date fields fall within the specified time frame will be considered in the report.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:

Posted Invoices

oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Current Workflow Status

Invoice.Invoice Date

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

Invoice.Posting Status

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Default Category

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

Pending Invoices

oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Current Workflow Status

Invoice.Invoice Date

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

Invoice.Posting Status

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Default Category

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

INV16 Top Invoice Amount by Vendor

A bar chart that displays the total net amount of invoices submitted for each vendor, subdivided into posted invoices and pending invoices. By default, the amounts are shown for the 10 vendors with the greatest sum total net amount of submitted invoices. Users can also enter a time frame within which to make this comparison. Invoices whose invoice date fields fall within the specified time frame will be considered in the report.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:

Posted Invoices

oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Current Workflow Status

Invoice.Invoice Date

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

Invoice.Posting Status

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Default Category

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

Pending Invoices

oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Current Workflow Status

Invoice.Invoice Date

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

Invoice.Posting Status

oResults Display

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Default Category

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

INV17 Top Invoices Pending Approval Count by Current Approver

A bar chart that displays the total count of invoices created in the selected time period, aggregated by Current Approver.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:


oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Current Workflow Status

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

oResults Display

Invoice.Object Link

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Current Approver

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

INV18 Top Invoices Pending Approval Amount by Current Approver

A bar chart that displays the total net amount of invoices created in the selected time period, aggregated by Current Approver.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:


oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Current Workflow Status

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

oResults Display

Invoice.Object Link

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Current Approver

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

INV19 Top Invoice Amount for a Currency by Matter

A bar chart that displays the total net amount of invoices created in the selected time period with non-US currency, aggregated by Matter.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:

Non-US Currency Invoices

oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Currency Code

Invoice.Invoice Date

oResults Display

Invoice.Object Link

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Currency Code

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

INV20 Top Invoice Amount for a Currency by Vendor

A bar chart that displays the total net amount of invoices created in the selected time period with non-US currency, aggregated by Vendor.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:

Non-US Currency Invoices

oFilter Criteria

Invoice.Currency Code

Invoice.Invoice Date

oResults Display

Invoice.Object Link

Invoice.Invoice Date


Invoice.Dispute Matter

Invoice.Currency Code

Invoice.Net Invoice Total

INV21 Top UTBMS Task Code Count for a Matter

A bar chart that displays the top UTBMS task codes ranked by count for a given matter.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:


oFilter Criteria

Line Item.Invoice Date

Line Item.Line Item Project

Line Item.Line Item Task Code

oResults Display

Line Item.Line Item Task Code

Line Item.Line Item Invoice

Line Item.Invoice Date

Line Item.Vendor

Line Item.Line Item Project

Line Item.Line Item Net Total

INV22 Top UTBMS Task Code Amount for a Matter

A bar chart that displays the top UTBMS task codes ranked by spend for a given matter.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:


oFilter Criteria

Line Item.Invoice Date

Line Item.Line Item Project

Line Item.Line Item Task Code

oResults Display

Line Item.Line Item Task Code

Line Item.Line Item Invoice

Line Item.Invoice Date

Line Item.Vendor

Line Item.Line Item Project

Line Item.Line Item Net Total

INV23 Top UTBMS Task Code Count for a Vendor

A bar chart that displays the top UTBMS task codes ranked by count for a given vendor.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:


oFilter Criteria

Line Item.Invoice Date

Line Item.Line Item Task Code

Line Item.Vendor

oResults Display

Line Item.Line Item Task Code

Line Item.Line Item Invoice

Line Item.Invoice Date

Line Item.Vendor

Line Item.Line Item Project

Line Item.Line Item Net Total

INV24 Top UTBMS Task Code Amount for a Vendor

A bar chart that displays the top UTBMS task codes ranked by spend for a given vendor.

This report uses the following fields to gather information:


oFilter Criteria

Line Item.Invoice Date

Line Item.Line Item Task Code

Line Item.Vendor

oResults Display

Line Item.Line Item Task Code

Line Item.Line Item Invoice

Line Item.Invoice Date

Line Item.Vendor

Line Item.Line Item Project

Line Item.Line Item Net Total