TeamConnect lets you export localization data so that you can translate it into your preferred locale language. Exported localization data is saved to an Excel workbook named TeamConnect_MessageResources.xls.
TeamConnect_MessageResources.xls contains all of the TeamConnect data that is available to translate.
The workbook contains the following spreadsheets:
•Static Resources—Contains all of the system error messages and default user interface fields and labels.
•Design Resources—Contains fields and labels for all of the following :
oObject definitions
oRelated objects
oSystem lookup tables
oCustom lookup tables
oHome pages
oPortal panes
This page also contains the text for the following:
oThe custom logo
oThe welcome message on the login page
oThe maintenance notification message
oAdditionally, this page may also contain fields and labels for other designs, such as CSM and TeamConnect Legal if installed.
•Custom Resources—Contains custom message keys and values. May also contain custom message keys and values for other designs, such as CSM and TeamConnect Legal if installed.
The first two columns of each spreadsheet are in default English and cannot be modified or deleted:
•Message Key column—Contains the identification keys for corresponding default values.
•Default Value column—Contains the actual text for the default data. For example, for error or informational messages, the Default Value is the actual text of the message.
Exported Excel Spreadsheet with Message Keys and Default Value Text
Additional columns correspond to the locales that you registered in TeamConnect using the Locale Manage tool. See Working with Locales for more information.
You cannot add or remove any columns in this workbook.
You can enter or change translated data in the columns that correspond to the locales that you registered n TeamConnect.
Excel Spreadsheet with Localized Data
If the information in the Default Value column contains html tags, such as <li> </li> or %20, or symbols, punctuation marks, and/or numbers, such as {0} or "{1}", the corresponding translation must also include this information.
For example, if you are translating the following into German:
<b>Results Display</b>
{1}: Multiple matches were found for "{0}".
The translated text must appear as follows:
<b>Ergebnisse anzeigne </b>
{1}: Mehrere Spiele wurden fur "{0}" gefuden.
Important: If you are translating into a language that may have very long words, to improve readability, it is recommended that you use recognized abbreviations in place of the long version of words whenever possible.
You cannot add new locales to the spreadsheet. You must first register the new locale in TeamConnect, and then export the TeamConnect_MessageResources.xls file again. A new blank column appears on the spreadsheet, along with the previously localized data. See To add a locale for more information.