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Invoices are bills that your organization receives from vendors and that you can post against accounts and projects. When working with invoices in the API, use the InvoiceService class.

The API provides the following model interfaces for invoices:

The Invoice class, which contains information about the invoice.

The InvoiceAdjustment class, which is the base class for all invoice adjustment classes and contains basic information about the adjustment.

The InvoiceAdjustmentTarget class, which contains the enums that indicate the amount being adjusted for the invoice summary.

The InvoiceAdjustmentType class, which contains the enums that indicate the type of invoice summary adjustment.

The InvoiceCategoryAdjustment class, which contains information about the invoice category adjustment, such as the task or expense code.

The InvoicePostingStatus class, which contains the enums that indicate the posting status of the invoice.

The InvoiceHeaderAdjustment class, which contains information about whether fees, expenses, or the total amount is the target of the header adjustment.

The InvoiceTimekeeperAdjustment class, which contains information about the timekeeper and the project associated with the adjustment.

The InvoiceType class, which contains the enums that indicate the type of invoice.

The LineItem class, which contains information about a line item.

The LineItemType class, which contains the enums that indicate the type of line item.

The AdjustmentInformation class, which contains information about the adjustments.

The AdjustmentMethod class, which contains the enums that indicate the method for adjusting the amount.

Refer to the InvoiceService samples for examples of working with invoices in the API.