You can edit the cost center allocations for the invoices of a matter from the Cost Centers page of the matter. Depending on your budget settings, you can also edit cost center allocations for an individual invoice.
Note: Only your system administrator can enable the setting for editing cost center allocations on invoices.
If you change the cost center allocations of a matter after an invoice associated with the matter is submitted, the cost centers of the invoice do not change. The invoice retains the cost center allocation on the submission date.
1.Open the matter or invoice. 2.In the left pane, click the Cost Centers link. 3.Click Edit Cost Center Mapping. 4.Click Edit. 5.In the Action column, click the Edit icon of the cost center that you want to edit. The selected cost center information appears in the *Cost Center and *Percent Allocated fields.
6.Make the appropriate changes in the Cost Center and Percent Allocated fields.  Transaction Cost Center Section
Important: When you finish editing cost centers, the combined percents allocated must equal 100% or you will not be able to save this record. If you are allocating costs to only one cost center, its percent allocated must be 100%.
7.Select a save option. Note: The Amount Charged field above will be calculated based on the set percent allocation multiplied by the total number of invoices levied against that matter. In the above example, a total of $100.00 in invoices have been posted, resulting in a $50.00 Amount Charged field for Cost Center 1.