These settings can be adjusted by an administrator for TC Financial Management 4.0.3 and later.
Users can define cost center allocations on an invoice-by-invoice level if enabled by their system administrator (Enabling Invoice-Level Cost Center Allocations).
Invoices for a given matter will all revert to the matter-level cost center allocations if not otherwise specified. See Editing Cost Center Allocations (Matter-Level) for adjusting matter-level cost center allocations.
1. Create a new invoice with line items. Save and view upon completion.
2. Select the Cost Centers tab on the sidebar of the invoice after completing the invoice.
3. Select the Initialize Cost Center Mapping link above the cost centers.
4. After clicking this link, it is replaced by Edit Cost Center Mapping. Click this link to edit at invoice level. Note: The "Allocations shown are not committed" message will be present until the invoice is posted and therefore finalized.
5. Click Edit in the Cost Centers section.
6. Click the Edit action on the desired cost center row to change the allocation.
7. Save the record.
8. Click Post to finalize.
Changing the matter-level allocations will not retroactively reflect any posted invoices. Changes to matter-level allocations will only affect future invoices. Any changes at the invoice level will not affect matter-level allocation settings.