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The following section needs to be read and completed prior to progressing with DMS Connector setup.

When using a web application to make RESTful API calls against SharePoint Online, there is an initial set up required to establish a level of trust between your application, SharePoint Online, and the authorization server that SharePoint Online trusts (Azure Active Directory). This article provides a walk-through on how to establish this trust using the OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow. Using this scheme allows a client application to function similar to a background service, in that it can make web service calls on behalf of users without requiring their active participation.

Using Azure AD, TeamConnect Enterprise, and SharePoint Online as an example:

1.Using a shared secret, TeamConnect requests an access token from Azure AD by making a call to the endpoint:

2.TeamConnect receives a response containing an access token from Azure AD

3.TeamConnect uses the access token to request document library information from SharePoint Online

4.TeamConnect receives a response containing information about the document library
