TAppointment contains general information for an appointment record. This information includes the appointment's subject, start date and time, end date and time, default category, geographical area, location, and so on. It also links to the lists of attendees, notes, used resources, and so on.
Object: TAppointment (T_APPOINTMENT)
Attribute |
Database column name |
Field in UI |
End of path |
Bridge |
Links to object table: |
Data type |
Comments |
Commonly used in: |
Rules |
Temp/Wiz |
areaItem--> |
Area (General block) |
x |
x |
object |
8 Geographical area where the appointment will take place (for example, Orange County, and Chicago). --> Links to the definition information for the appointment area item. |
x |
attendees--> Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: attendeeList--> |
n/a |
Attendees tab |
x |
x |
8 The list of all attendees that are added to the appointment record. --> Links to the join table that contains information for all attendees who have been added to the appointment. |
categories--> Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: detailList--> |
n/a |
x |
x |
In Object Navigator, links to Category list which appears in the UI only. |
8 The list of categories added to the current object. --> In the object model, the added categories link to the values that have been added for custom fields, according to field type. --> In Object Navigator, this attribute is enhanced. It links to a list of all categories defined for the object definition, rather than those added to the current object. From there, you can select a category and traverse to the list of custom fields that belong to it. |
createdBy--> |
Created By (Security block) |
x |
x |
object |
8 User who created the appointment. --> Links to specific information about the user account. |
x |
x |
createdOn |
Created On (Security block) |
x |
date |
Date and time the appointment was created. |
x |
x |
createdOnBehalfOf |
x |
object |
When not null, it indicates that the record was created through an e-billing system or other external application. The contact referenced will often be a vendor in TeamConnect. |
X |
defaultCategory--> |
Default Category (General block) |
x |
x |
object |
8 Default category for the appointment. --> Links to the definition information of the category. |
x |
documentFolder--> |
Documents block |
x |
object |
Links to specific information about the document folder. |
endOn |
Ends On |
x |
datetime |
Date and time when the appointment ends. |
x |
x |
groupAccessList--> |
n/a |
x |
Links to the group security information entered through the Security block of the record. |
historyList--> |
n/a |
History tab |
x |
x |
8 The list of all histories that are added to the appointment record. --> Links to history information for all of the appointment's history records. |
iallDay Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: isAllDay |
x |
boolean |
Indicates whether the appointment is scheduled for the entire day. 0 - not all day 1 - all day |
x |
x |
location |
Location |
x |
string (250) |
Location where the appointment takes place (such as Corporate Headquarters or Conference Room 3rd Floor). |
x |
modifiedBy--> |
Modified By (Security block) |
x |
x |
object |
8 User who most recently modified the account. --> Links to specific information about the user account. |
modifiedOn |
Modified On (Security block) |
x |
date |
Date and time the appointment was most recently modified. |
note--> |
Notes (General block) |
x |
object |
Links to the table that contains the text entered into the Notes field of the record. |
primaryKey |
x |
int |
Unique ID for the appointment record. |
project--> |
Project (General block) |
x |
x |
object |
8 Project for which the appointment is created. --> Links to specific information about the project record. |
x |
x |
resources--> Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: resourceList--> |
n/a |
Resources tab |
x |
x |
8 The list of all resources that are added to the appointment record. --> Links to the join table that contains information for all resources added to the appointment. In Object Navigator, this attribute links to a table named Resource Type that allows you to filter the resources based on a type, if desired. |
x |
securityTypeIID |
Security (Security block) |
x |
Enum |
Specifies whether the appointment is public or private. 0 - Public (PUBLIC) 2 - Private (PRIVATE) |
startOn |
Begins On (General block) |
x |
datetime |
Date and time when the appointment begins. |
x |
x |
subject |
Subject (General block) |
x |
string (250) |
Description of the appointment (e.g. Meeting with client). |
x |
userAccessList--> |
n/a |
x |
Links to the user security information entered through the Security block of the record. |
version |
x |
int |
Indicates how many times the appointment record was updated. |