JContDefaultRate contains information about the default rate in a contact record. (The default rate is used when there is no specific rate for a task's category.) This information includes the rate amount, effective from and to date, and contact record to which each rate belongs.
Rates that are specific to categories are described in JContRate.
Object: JContDefaultRate (J_CONT_DEFAULT_RATE)
Attribute |
Database column name |
Field in UI |
End of path |
Bridge |
Links to object table: |
Data type |
Comments |
Commonly used in: |
Rules |
Temp/Wiz |
firstEffectiveDate Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: effectiveFrom |
From |
x |
date |
The date and time when the rate will begin to apply to the associated task. Time-zone-independent. |
x |
x |
lastEffectiveDate Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: effectiveTo |
To |
x |
date |
The date and time when the rate will cease applying to the associated task. Time-zone-independent. |
x |
x |
owner--> |
x |
x |
object |
8 The contact to which the rate belongs. --> Links to specific information for the contact record. |
primaryKey |
x |
int |
The unique ID of the rate record. |
rate Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: rateAmount |
Rate |
x |
decimal |
The actual rate for the associated task. |
x |
x |
version |
x |
int |
Indicates how many times the rate record was updated. |