1.Open the RTF in the Data Mapping tool. See Opening an RTF in the Data Mapping Tool. 2.Select the loop@ merge field that you want to map to a sub-object from the Merge Field drop-down list. The option Map to an object field is selected automatically as the Mapping Function.
3.Click the Object Navigator icon . The Object Navigator opens to the T-table of the object on which your template is based.
For example, if the document template is for a custom object, such as Matter, then the Matter table appears.
4.Select the sub-object or related object attribute of the main object to which you want to map the loop@ merge field. For assistance identifying the object attribute that represents the sub-object or related object that you need, see the Related and Sub-objects Available Through filter@ or loop@ table.
5.Click ok. The Object Navigator window closes and a second Object Navigator field appears, labeled Qualifier.
6.(Sub-objects only) If necessary, use the Qualifier field to identify a system field that you want to use to filter the list of sub-objects or related objects that are retrieved in the generated document. Typically, a list of sub-objects must be filtered by the sub-object type. For example, you may want to automatically list all assignees with the role Attorney.
To select the type as the filter, use this navigation in the Object Navigator:
a.(Any)-> (traverse) b.type-> (ok) The Object Navigator window closes and the path appears in the Qualifier field. A drop-down list of types (or roles) appears on the Data Mapping screen.
c.Select the necessary type to use as a filter. 7.(Related objects only) If you are mapping loop@ to involved parties (involvedList->), you would typically use the defaultCategory as the qualifier. For child projects (childList->), the qualifier should be the specific custom object records you want displayed. For more assistance, see the steps in Mapping filter@ Merge Field to a Related or Sub-object. 8.Click add more. The merge field is mapped, and the mapping is listed in the lower section of the Data Mapping screen.
The Merge Field drop-down list now includes the merge fields that are nested within the loop@ merge fields in the RTF. They are ready to be mapped to sub-object data.