Navigation: TeamConnect Setup and Development > Enterprise Customization Help > Using EasyDocs > Step 3: Map RTF Merge Fields to TeamConnect Data > filter@ Merge Field Mapping Mapping filter@ Merge Field to a Related or Sub-object |
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When you map the main filter@ merge field to a related object or sub-object, you are simply specifying the related object (or sub-object) that you want the user to be able to select while generating a document with this template.
1.Open the RTF in the Data Mapping tool. See Opening an RTF in the Data Mapping Tool. 2.Select the filter@ merge field that you want to map to a related or sub-object from the Merge Field drop-down list. The option Map to an object field is selected automatically as the Mapping Function. 3.Click the Object Navigator icon The Object Navigator opens to the T-table of the object on which your template is based. For example, if the document template is for a custom object, such as Matter, then the Matter table appears. 4.Select the related object or sub-object of the main object to which you want to map the filter@ merge field. For assistance identifying the object attribute that represents the related object or sub-object you need, see the Related and Sub-objects Available Through filter@ and loop@ table. 5.Click OK. The Object Navigator window closes and a second Object Navigator field appears, labeled Qualifier. This field is used to identify a condition that you want to use to limit the list of related objects or sub-objects that the user can select, if needed. Do not specify an attribute that traverses to yet another object. You may specify simple attributes (number, text, date, boolean) or you may specify a list. If you specify a simple attribute, go to step 7. 6.For all lists, select (Any)-> (traverse) Your next selection depends on what kind of list you chose. In most cases, you would select defaultCategory-> (OK). For assigneeList, you would instead select type-> (OK). For childList, you would select application-> (OK), then select the child or embedded record type that you want the user to see at runtime. For example, if you are retrieving involved parties through involvedList->, you may want the list to include only involved parties with a certain role. To select the involved role as the Qualifier, use this navigation: a.(Any)-> (traverse) b.defaultCategory-> (OK) Object Navigator closes and the path is displayed in the Qualifier field. A drop-down list of roles is displayed on the Data Mapping screen. c.Select the necessary role to use as a filter for which parties should appear. 7.Type the Label that you want the user to see when he or she is prompted to select the related or sub-object(s) when generating the document. 8.Select Allow multiple selection if you want the user to be able to select multiple items from the list when generating the document. 9.Select Skip filter screen if only one record is found if you want the end user to not have to make a selection when only one related or sub-object record is found. If this option is not selected, then the end user would see a drop-down list containing only one option and would have to click next. 10.Click add more. The merge field is mapped, and the mapping is listed in the lower section of the Data Mapping screen. The Merge Field drop-down list now includes the merge fields that are nested within the filter@ merge fields in the RTF. They are ready to be mapped to related object or sub-object data. Once you generate the template, a user who generates a document with the template will be prompted to select a record before generating the document. |