Once you have finished inserting tags in the content section of your document template and have identified what filters and input pages you need to define in the header, you are ready to finalize the template by creating the header and converting the file to XML.
Important: Before completing the following process, verify that you have completed Inserting Tags and Preparing RTF Files.
The following is an example of a header. This header includes the filter and input tags necessary for the claim notification letter shown in the examples throughout this document. For example, see the document generator template page two image.
<tc:header><tc:filter name="SelectInvolvedContact" searchCondition="Involved_Contact" hidden="no" label="Please select an Involved Party" displayString="FirstName;Name" displayFormat="* *" /> <tc:filter name="InvolvedContactAddress" objectFrom="SelectedInvolvedContact" test="AddressList" displayString="Type/Name;Street;City" displayFormat="* - * *" label="Please Select the Involved's Address."/> <tc:filter name="involvedinaccident" searchCondition="Involved" hidden="yes" /> <tc:filter name="passenger" searchCondition="Involved" hidden="yes" displayString="DefaultCategory/TreePosition" /> <tc:input name="UserInitials" label="Enter your initials here." size="15" /> <tc:input name="LetterDate" label="Date letter will be sent" size="15" /> <tc:input name="AdditionalComments" label="Enter any additional comments." size="50" maxChars="400" multi="yes" cols="45" rows="2"/> </tc:header> |