1.With your word processing application, open the document template text that you previously created. 2.Replace all of the placeholders with their corresponding document template tags. For more information about how to identify the data that you need from the Object Model, see Locating Object Attribute Names. 3.Format the text and the document template tags exactly as you would like the information to appear in the generated document (specifically, enter all line returns, indentations, line formatting, font size, and so on). The Document Generator Template Page One image is an example of the text from the Document Generator Template - Text and Placeholders image that has been replaced with corresponding Document Generator tags. Notice that the formatting (line returns, indentation, spacing, tables, and so on) used in the Document Generator Template Page One image is reflected in the generated document shown in the Document Generator Template - Text and Placeholders image.
4.Save the content with the extension RTF and close your word processing application. 5.Find the RTF file you just saved and open it with a text editor such as Microsoft Notepad™. Caution: Do not use Microsoft WordPad™ to edit your RTF file. You must be able to see all formatting as text in your text editor.
6.After opening an RTF file that was created with Microsoft Word™, all double quotes (") that were entered in Word may be displayed as \'94 in the text editor. Similarly, all single quotes (`) may be displayed as \'92. a.Find all instances of \'94 that appear within the source code and replace with double quotes ("). b.Find all instances of \'92 that appear within the source code and replace with single quotes (`). 7.Save the file. This completes the content section of the document template. See the Document Generator Template Page One image for an example of a content section with Document Generator tags.