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You can use the test tag attribute to test whether a certain category has been added to a record. This is a useful way to include content in a generated document only when the main object record has a certain category added to it.


<tc:conditional test="Detail[CLAM_HOME]">

We have the following information about your loss in our records:

Caused by natural disaster:

<tc:detail select="CLAM_HOME/NaturalDisaster" />

Date of Loss:

<tc:detail select="CLAM_HOME/LossDate" format="" />

Summary of Loss from your written statement:

<tc:detail select="CLAM_HOME/LossSummary" />

Estimated Dollar Amount of Loss:

<tc:detail select="CLAM_HOME/LossEstimate" numberFormat="#,##0.00" />


In this example, the text and custom fields contained within the tc:conditional tag will only be inserted into the generated document if the category CLAM_HOME has been added (exists) in the Claim record.