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Document Generator tags are the tags used to extract data from existing TeamConnect records. You will replace the placeholders you created in the content section (see the text and placeholders image) with the actual Document Generator tags. These tags tell the Document Generator exactly what data to retrieve.

The following points will help you understand and work with Document Generator tags:

All Document Generator tags begin with the prefix tc:.

Tags, tag attributes, and tag attribute values are case sensitive.

Within a tag, always capitalize the first letter of each object attribute, even though it is not capitalized when you are working in other areas of TeamConnect or with other TeamConnect tools. This is true for all Document Generator tags.

The tags are designed so that you have a great deal of flexibility in how you want to use them. Any tag can be nested within almost any other tag, depending on what you want to accomplish. This also means that many of the tags of the same type can be nested within each other.

Standards for writing well-formed XML apply when you are writing Document Generator tags in your document template.