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The following table indicates the syntax for the qualifier attribute value.

Qualifier Tag Attribute Syntax

Object attribute of sub-object used as qualifier



Type attribute


The Type attribute of a sub-object is the most commonly-used attribute for setting a criterion for which sub-objects to retrieve.

1.Replace UCOD with the four-character unique code of the object that TeamConnect will retrieve data from.

oIf the sub-object is a system lookup table, type the unique code of the system lookup table.

oIf the sub-object is DetailList (categories), PhaseList, or AssigneeList, type the unique code of the object to which it belongs. This may be found in the General tab of the object definition.

2.Replace TREE with the full tree position of the selected item within the sub-object. The tree position should be in all caps, with each level separated with an underscore. For example:


If the desired type is in the Root of the sub-object, then the tree position is simply the four-character unique code of the sub-object.

Any attribute that identifies a number or text value

Note: Not useful as a criterion.


When using a number or text field to qualify your tc:loop tag, simply type the value that you want to use as the criterion for which sub-objects to retrieve as the Value of the tag attribute. For example, from the sub-object JContAddress:



Note: For number values, you must verify the type of number that is stored in the database and follow that format (float, integer, and so on).

Any attribute that identifies a date value

Note: Not useful as a criterion.


Use this syntax for the date value when using a date value to qualify the sub-object. For example, from the sub-object JContRate:
