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TeamConnect® Legal Matter Management 3.4 matters come with the following phases that follow a basic process flow and should be acceptable to most customers:





In addition, the Advice & Counsel object has the Research Pending category.

A few rules and wizards reference phases and phase transitions; all of them are visible in the UI because the rule names contain the phase and phase transitions.

This section provides Matter Management-specific guidelines regarding adding, deleting, and modifying of phases and phase transitions. Performing these procedures is covered by the other chapters in this documentation.

Adding Phases and Phase Transitions

Adding phases should not cause any unanticipated problems; you will have to determine how to integrate them into the business solution.

Important: Adding phases to a live system may negatively impact phase histories.

Deleting Phases and Phase Transitions

If a rule depends on a phase or phase transition, deleting the phase would cause the rule to break and errors to be displayed.

Important: Deleting phases on a live system may negatively impact phase histories.

The only dependency on phases in TeamConnect® Legal Matter Management is the rule that ensures that a contact involved in an open matter cannot be deleted. The Dispute and Transaction objects use the RuleContactInvolvedInOpenMatterQSYS class file that depends on the Open and Reopen phases.

Modifying Phases and Phase Transitions

Editing phases should not cause any unanticipated problems, although you would have to determine how to integrate them into the business solution.

Important: Editing phases on a live system may negatively impact phase histories.