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All categories can be added, modified, and deleted through the Categories tab of the respective object definition. Many categories are used by other components, so you should proceed with caution when modifying them.

All custom screens are dependent on categories. For more information, see Custom Screens.

This section provides TeamConnect® Legal Matter Management-specific guidelines regarding adding, deleting, renaming, and reordering categories. Performing these procedures is covered by the TeamConnect Enterprise Solution Developer documentation. Additionally, this section provides tips for searching for category dependencies and highlights categories requiring special attention.

Adding Categories

Adding new object categories has no impact on the application and requires nothing more than the work necessary to add new custom fields, object blocks, search views, and rules that may be associated with the new categories.

Deleting Categories

Deleting a category can seriously impact the application if fields, blocks, rules, or wizards depend on it. Dependent fields are essentially deleted. Dependent blocks might display errors unless they are also removed. Dependent rules will not work properly and may cause java error messages to be displayed.

If a category has no dependent components, its deletion will not cause any issues. However, it is best to proceed with extreme caution by determining whether the category is used by other components and make any necessary modifications.

Renaming Categories

You can edit category names without causing problems because rules and CJBs reference the category's tree position, not the category's name. You may have to modify the UI to be consistent with the category name change.

Reordering Categories

Reordering the display order of categories does not cause any issues because the order of the categories is not referenced by XML files, CJBs, rules, or wizards.

Note: In TeamConnect® Legal Matter Management 3.4, the default order of all categories is zero.

Searching for Category Dependencies

To determine dependencies on categories, you can search the source code for a variety of text strings. For example, you can search according to the category's tree position to find all the class files that might use that category. Alternatively, you can search for all categories using the following strings:

category='Tree_Position'This is useful for finding XML blocks that use specific categories. For example, if you search the source code for category='DISP_EMPL', the search results will point to XML files such as WzEmploymentDetailsSYS.xml (the Employment Details block in the New Dispute wizard's Details page). Thus, you would have a list of all the blocks dependent on the Dispute object's Employment category.

CAT_This string is useful for determining which class files use categories. You can use it to search for all categories used by class files or append the tree position of a specific category. For example, if you search the source code for CAT_DISP_EMPL, the search results include Thus, you would know that the Dispute object's Employment category is used by page actions in the New Dispute wizard's Details page.

You must have access to the source code (.java files, NOT .class files) to be able to search for such text strings.

Special Categories

The tree positions of the following categories are used by many rules and wizards, so deleting them would result in a major impact:

General Liability/Claim (for Dispute)

Lawsuit (for Dispute)

Subpoena (for Dispute)

Outside Counsel Attorney (for Dispute and Transaction Involved Party)

Outside Counsel Attorney : Primary (for Dispute and Transaction Involved Party)

Outside Counsel Firm (for Dispute and Transaction Involved Party)

Outside Counsel Firm : Primary (for Dispute and Transaction Involved Party)