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If your rule requirements call for qualifiers that cannot be created using Designer, you must write automated qualifiers in Java or JavaScript. For details about creating automated qualifiers, see Writing Automated Qualifiers for Rules.

For example, the following qualifiers cannot be created using Designer and therefore must be written as automated qualifiers:

Check the values for more than one attribute of a single sub-object.

For example:

oA qualifier that checks whether there is an active assignee of the type Underwriter.

oA qualifier that checks whether an invoice line item has a certain task category and the amount of the same line item.

oA qualifier that checks the state and the city of the same address of a particular type from a contact's list of addresses. This is only possible if you are checking the state and city of a contact's default address.

Check the values for more than one attribute of a single related object from a list of related objects.

For example:

oA qualifier that checks whether there is an involved (through involvedList->) with a certain role, and in the same involved's contact record, whether it has a certain firm as its company in the Company field.

oA qualifier that checks whether there is a task related to the project with a certain category and that same task is not completed.

Check the value in a record that is not somehow related to the current object for which the rule is written. This requires searching, which is possible in rule qualifiers only through custom code.

Perform complex calculations.