Before you may define a rule's actions and qualifiers, you must complete the fields on the General tab and save the rule.
1.Click the Rules tab of the appropriate object definition. 2.Click new on the Rules screen to open a new rule. The General tab of a new Rule screen appears.
 General Tab on Rule Screens
3.Enter the necessary information as described in the General Tab on Rule Screen table. 4.Make sure that This rule is Active is not selected until you are ready to test the rule. Before activating the rule, you must set the necessary information on the Qualifiers and Action tabs.
5.Click Save. |
The following table describes the items on the General tab of the Rule screen.
This Rule is Active
Select to activate the rule after you have finished developing it and you are ready to test it or make it available for users.
Important: When designing rules, you must always deactivate rules you have not completed or are not using. Having active rules may hinder your ability to design and test other rules.
Enter a name that clearly and uniquely identifies the rule. This field cannot exceed 250 characters.
Tip: Avoid similar descriptions for different rules. Emphasize important information, such as the rule trigger, in the description such as the following example:
When a dispute is closed it cannot be deleted
If this rule is an approval rule, this description appears on the Workflow tab of a record that is pending approval for an operation. This helps users to understand why the operation is being sent for approval.
Unique Key
Enter an alphanumeric combination to uniquely identify the rule within the object definition. After you save the rule, the unique code appears as read-only text and you cannot change it.
The unique key cannot contain spaces, underscores, commas, punctuation marks, or any special characters and must not exceed 50 characters in length.
Although rules within the same object definition cannot have the same unique key, rules belonging to different object definitions may have the same key.
Enter an integer to indicate the order in which the rule must take effect in relation to other rules that are created for the selected object.
Organize your rules in the order of their importance in your system, with the most important rule being executed first.
Enter a detailed description of the rule. This field cannot exceed 2000 characters.
Select the radio button next to the type of rule you want to create. For an explanation of each type of rule, see Rule Types.
Important: After the rule is saved, you cannot change this selection.
Triggering Event
Select the events, or operations attempted by the user, that you want to trigger the rule. Multiple events can be selected.
Note: The checkboxes available vary according to the rule type you select. For details, see Rule Triggers.