The General tab of the Wizard screen displays:
•The wizard's name
•The unique key of the wizard within the object
•The name of the object it is defined for
•The name of the template it is associated with (if any)
•Whether the wizard is active
•Whether to provide only a wizard to create objects of this type
The following table describes the items on the General tab of the Wizard screen.
Note: The fields in the table below are the default fields that appear for all object definitions. You may see additional fields that only apply to the selected object definition.
Enter a name that uniquely identifies the wizard and describes its purpose. This name appears to the users when they start to create a new record.
Unique Key
Enter an alphanumeric combination to uniquely identify the wizard within the object definition. It must be 50 or fewer characters in length and must not contain special characters such as spaces, underscores, or punctuation marks.
After you save the wizard, the unique code appears as read-only text and you cannot change it.
Wizards within the same object definition cannot have the same unique key. However, wizards belonging to different object definitions may have the same key.
This wizard applies to
Automatically displays the name of the object that the wizard is created for.
Select one of the available templates you want to use in the wizard (if applicable).
Note: If you intend to use a template with the wizard you are creating, make sure you create and define the template first. See General Template Information.
This wizard is active
Select this check-box to activate the wizard. Clear the check-box to deactivate the wizard.
This field is available only after at least one page is added to the wizard. Until then, instead of this field, the following message appears: "The wizard is currently inactive. To be able to activate it, please add a page."
Caution: Even when the check-box appears, do not activate the wizard until it is completely finished and ready for testing.
Require wizard for new object definition
Select this check-box if you want users to only have the option to create a record using a wizard. When users click the New button, the wizard opens automatically.
Clear the check-box if you want users to have the options to create a record using a wizard and create a record manually using a blank record.
This field is only visible if at least one active wizard is defined for this object.