Show/Hide Toolbars

Each tab represents a high-level grouping of navigation items. Some tabs, such as Contacts, are associated with only a single navigation item. TeamConnect recognizes when there is only a single item within a tab. In this situation, when an end user clicks that tab, she goes directly to the linked page.

Other tabs, such as Finance, are associated with multiple navigation items. TeamConnect cannot know in advance which item the end user is interested in, so when he clicks such a tab, he sees the available navigation items displayed as sub-tab links in the lower portion of the tab bar. Clicking on one of these sub-tab links then takes him to the linked page.

Only these two forms of navigation are available. You cannot add a navigation item, then add another navigation item as a child of the first item. All items are children of the tab itself.

You can change the navigation items that are associated with a tab in several ways.