You can delete portal panes in the following two places:
•Portal Panes screen—Not only deletes portal pane from the list of portal panes, but also from master home pages and users' home page to which it was added.
•An open master home page—Deletes portal pane from the open master home page and from all copies of that master home page (after clicking the Synchronize Layout and Synchronize Content hyperlinks).
1.In the Go to drop-down list, select Portal Panes. The Portal Panes screen appears with all existing portal panes.
 Portal Panes Screen
2.In the Portal Panes list, select the check-box of the appropriate portal pane, and then click delete. A message to confirm the deletion of this portal pane appears.
3.Click OK. The portal pane is deleted from the system and you can no longer add it to a home page. For logged in users, this portal pane is deleted from their home page upon clicking Refresh, or upon logging out and then logging back in to TeamConnect--even if they have at one time or another modified it.
1.In the Go to drop-down list, select Home Pages. 2.Open the appropriate home page. 3.Select the Portal Panes tab. 4.On the title bar of the portal pane you want to delete, click the Remove Pane button. A message to confirm the deletion of this portal pane appears.
5.Click OK. The portal pane is deleted.
6.Click Save. Important: You must save all your changes BEFORE you synchronize settings or content.
7.Click the Synchronize Content hyperlink. A message to confirm that you want to synchronize the master home page with user's copies of this home page appears.
8.Click OK. All home pages are in synchronization with the master home page.