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Part of the process of modifying home pages and portal panes is to synchronize your changes from the master home page and template portal panes with the copies that the users have of each.

Synchronizing also plays an important role in creating home pages (not portal panes). To activate a new home page, you must synchronize it. If you are in the process of designing a new home page, it is good practice to NOT synchronize settings or content until your design is final. That way, there is no concern about overwriting user's modifications, in case they decide to customize their home pages or portal panes.

The steps for synchronizing are included within the appropriate instructions in this documentation. It is a matter of clicking links (shown in the following figure), which are in the following locations on the Designer interface, at the top of the following screens:

Home Pages screen

Portal Panes screen

Important: You must save all your changes to the master home page BEFORE you synchronize settings or content.

Home Page and Portal Pane Synchronize Links

Home Page and Portal Pane Synchronize Links