1.Open the Categories tab of the desired system or custom object definition. 2.In the Show items in node list, select the appropriate node where you want to activate object categories. 3.Select the check-box next to each category you would like to activate. 4.Click activate. If the selected categories do not have any child categories, they are activated, users can select them, and you are finished with this procedure.
If any of the selected categories have at least one child category, a message box with the following question appears:
Are you sure you want to activate these items?
5.Do one of the following actions: a.If you want to activate the categories and all of their child categories, select the check-box next to Include all child items and click ok. b.If you want to activate just the categories within the selected node but not any of the child items, click ok. c.If you decide not to activate any categories, click cancel. Activated categories are indicated in the Active column of the Categories list of the object definition.
Important: Update the status of all activated categories so that this information is available if you ever need to convert your TeamConnect data.