Budget requests are often created automatically, but you can create them manually if necessary.
See the Collaborati Spend Management Configuration Guide for information about the settings that affect automatic budget request creation.
1.Select one of the following options: oOn the Budget Requests page, click the New button. oClick the New Budget Request link from the CSM Settings page or from a Vendor record page. 2.Complete the general fields. See Budget Request Fields table for field information. 3.Enter the amounts you want to allocate for the account in the Starting Amount column. 4.After you complete the general fields, click Save. The budget names information in a new budget request does not become editable until the general information is saved.
Finally, the Notes field allows you to enter instructions or comments that will be visible to you and the vendor.
Budget Request Field Descriptions
The tables below contains Budget Request field descriptions. The fields that you see may vary based on your system settings and assigned rights.
Assign a name to this request. It is helpful to have matter identification as part of the name, and to use a name that will be familiar to the vendor.
Choose a vendor for the request. (If you clicked the New Budget Request from a Vendor record page, this field is pre-populated for you.) Auto-suggest and search features are available for this field.
Choose a matter for the request. (If you clicked the New Budget Request from a Matter record page, this field is pre-populated for you.) Auto-suggest and search features are available for this field.
Request Date
Type in a date value, or click the calendar icon to use the date picker.
Due Date
Type in a date value, or click the calendar icon to use the date picker.
This field is not editable. The initial status for all new budget requests is Not Submitted.