Use the Contacts Skills page to define a contact's skill set, and indicate the level of expertise for each skill. Skills associated with contacts can help you identify the best person or company for a specific task.
1.Search for a contact and open it. 2.In the left pane, click the Skills link.  Contacts Skills Page
3.Select one of the following options: oTo add a new skill, in the Type drop-down, select the desired Type of skill, and then type a number to indicate the corresponding Level of Expertise. The level of expertise field maxes out at '99'. oTo edit a skill, in each data entry row, change the desired Type of skill, and/or the number that indicates the corresponding Level of Expertise. 4.To add an additional skill, click Add New Item and repeat step 3 until you've added all of the appropriate skills for this contact. 5.Select a save option. |