Deadlines 1.1+ users are able to create exclusion templates to be re-used for the same jurisdiction as needed. This section seeks to familiarize the user with the process; further detail can be found in the Aderant Deadlines Rules documentation. Note: No data will be saved in TeamConnect from this process.
The Configure Exclusions button within the Deadline Exclusion Settings block will be visible for any users with Deadlines 1.1+ or later with Edit Deadlines Settings records enabled.
1.Click the Configure Exclusions button.
2.Click Add in the bottom corner.
3.Enter in the Name field and Description field. Add in the Category field, if desired, to improve filtering and searching.
4.Search for the Jurisdiction using the search bar.
5.Select an Event from the dropdown lists or the search bar. Separate events will require new templates.
6.Select exclusions for that event. Multiple exclusions can be selected where applicable. Deadlines will ask for confirmation to automatically exclude related dates where applicable.
7.Click Save to finalize the exclusion.