To use Deadlines integration, you must register an account on the Settings page of Deadlines Settings. When you register an account, your system receives a unique account ID that identifies that you have a TeamConnect account in Aderant's system.
Note: You must have the rights to use Deadlines Settings. You may want to create a group with Deadlines Settings rights and add Deadlines administrators to that group. See Deadlines Settings Rights for descriptions of these system rights.
1.Under All Services on the homepage, click Deadlines Settings. 2.Click the Deadlines Settings link. If you are using Deadlines Settings for the first time, you may need to create the Deadlines Settings object. Click New to open the creation wizard, and click Finish to create the object.
3.From the Settings page, click Register Account. 4.Enter information about the firm and account administrator. 5.Enter at least one email address for a notification contact who will receive email updates from Aderant about court deadlines. In addition to these contacts receiving emails from Aderant, for each registered matter, the main Assignee (or user who created the matter if there is no main Assignee) receives an email from Mitratech about court deadline updates.
6.Review the End User License Agreement and place a check-mark in the check-box. 7.Click Submit. |
From the Settings page, click Unregister Account. Unregistering an account deletes all account information, including your account ID and associations with all matters. If you register your account again, you receive a new account number.
Note: Unregistering an account does not remove it from Aderant's servers. Contact Mitratech support to delete your account permanently.
From the Settings page, navigate to Task and Appointment Settings. The Deadlines Prefix Identifier text field will be applied to all new tasks and appointments, allowing admin customization of how tasks and appointments will be displayed. If left blank, this will default to DEADLINES as the prefix.
Note: Changing this setting will not affect previously created tasks and appointments.