The following steps describe how to configure the General page from Admin Settings. Field descriptions are provided in a table below.
After you update and save the General settings page, the changes take effect for users automatically.
1.Select the Admin tab. 2.Click the Admin Settings link under the tab bar. 3.The General page should display. Otherwise click the General link in the left pane. 4.Edit the fields based on descriptions in the Admin Settings - General Page fields table. 5.Click Update. |
Field Names and Descriptions
Default Value
Replace Microsoft Office Special Characters
To enable pasting special characters from Microsoft Office documents, select the check-box.
If the check-box is cleared, field values containing Microsoft office special characters may not display properly in the user interface but the value stored in the database will be accurate.
Note: For existing records containing Microsoft Office special characters in field values, you need to create a script to update values manually.
Replace Microsoft Office Special Characters—Disabled (check-box cleared)
Record Locking
Select one of the following:
•Disable record locking in edit mode—Allows multiple users to edit the same record simultaneously. The first changes checked in by a user will be saved. Subsequent attempts to check in record changes will trigger warnings that the Document has changed. •Enable record locking in edit mode—Prevents multiple users from editing the same Document simultaneously. If you selected Enable record locking in edit mode, you can type the Idle time limit (minutes), which is the maximum time length after which a record that is locked without any changes saved will become unlocked.
To allow users to update the Relations tab for locked records, check Allow users to update Relations for locked or read-only records.
For more information, see Record Locking.
The following are enabled:
•Enable record locking in edit mode •The Idle time limit (minutes) is active and set to 15. •Allow users to update Relations for locked or read-only records |
Business Objects WebIntelligence Settings for version XI
The following descriptions apply if you are using Business Objects XI:
•Business Objects Single Sign-on Application URL—The fully qualified URL of the Business Objects Single Sign-on web application that was deployed and configured as part of the TeamConnect installation. The URL must include the domain name. •Central Management Server Name—The name of the central management server. You must provide the name, not the IP address. •Cookie Domain—If BOSS is deployed on a different server node than the WebIntelligence node, you must provide the name of the cookie domain. •User's TeamConnect and WebIntelligence username and/or password may be different—See BusinessObjects Web Intelligence Single Sign-on. •Version—Select Business Objects XI For more information, see BusinessObjects Web Intelligence Single Sign-on.
Enter a numeric value (minutes) after which an inactive user's session will time out. Afterward, the user will need to log in to TeamConnect again. If a negative value is entered, user sessions will not time out.
Note: If your application server has an application session timeout configuration, the TeamConnect Session Timeout value will override the application server timeout setting.
If a user is running both a User application area browser and a Designer application area browser, the Designer browser session starts when the browser is opened. As a result, it is possible for the User browser session to time out before the Designer browser session.
60 minutes
TeamConnect URL
Login URL—Enter the TeamConnect login URL. For example:
(where you need to replace host_name with the IP address or application server name; replace 8001 with the port running the TeamConnect application; replace teamconnect3 with the TeamConnect application name)
Important: If you use the WebDAV feature to associate Document folders with email messages, you must put a valid URL in the Login URL field.
For email notifications, this URL is sent in the body of the email. This field is also required if your company uses HTTPS for the login URL, if you use a proxy server with TeamConnect, or if you use a different application server to log in to TeamConnect.
Note: You must include /login at the end of the URL. It is also recommended to type the public IP address, not the local IP address of the host server.
Configure the TeamConnect URL in the TeamConnect system settings