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The Miscellaneous Settings page from the Designer application allows solution developers to manage custom fields that affect individual users' Preferences. After making changes to the Miscellaneous Settings page, those custom fields should be available from a user's Preferences area. You must assign the appropriate rights for viewing and working with the Miscellaneous Settings page. This section contains a table that explains these rights and their associated operations. In addition, rights to release edit locks and bypass search limits are located on the Miscellaneous Settings page.

After you assign any of the Miscellaneous Settings rights (View Miscellaneous Settings, Edit Miscellaneous Settings, Create Miscellaneous Settings, or Delete Miscellaneous Settings), the following page will be available:

(from the Tools menu) Misc. Settings

Rights for Miscellaneous Settings



Prerequisite Rights


Release edit locks

Allows group members to release the lock on a record when it is open for editing by another user. A Release Lock button becomes available after this right is assigned and the conditions above are met.

See addition information about Record Locking and releasing the lock and Setting Up General Settings.


Note: This right only has an effect if the Enable record locking in edit mode Admin Setting is enabled. For more information about this system setting, see Setting Up General Settings.


Bypass search limits

Allows groups to bypass the Admin Settings for the Maximum Search results and Maximum Search time (seconds).

Note: If a search exceeds the limits, the group's users can click a Return All Results link to bypass the limit. TeamConnect then returns all records the group has access rights to, which may take more time.

If a user does NOT have bypass rights and their search exceeds the maximum number of records or seconds, TeamConnect displays the records that were retrieved before the limit or time out was reached.



View Miscellaneous Settings

From the Designer application, allows access to the Tools drop-down list, Misc. Settings option. Also allows users to view existing custom fields that have been added to the Misc. Settings page.


Miscellaneous Settings

Edit Miscellaneous Settings

Allows users to change existing custom fields from the Misc. Settings page.

View Miscellaneous Settings

Create Miscellaneous Settings

Allows users to create new custom fields to be used for Misc. Settings page.

View Miscellaneous Settings

Delete Miscellaneous Settings

Allows users to delete existing custom fields from Misc. Settings page.

View Miscellaneous Settings