1.On the computer running your web server, click Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Internet Services Manager. 2.In the left pane, open Web Sites, click Default Web Site, and then be certain that the web site is stopped. Click the Stop button in the toolbar, if necessary. 3.Right-click Default Web Site, and then click Properties. 4.Click the Directory Security tab. 5.In the Anonymous Access and Authentication Control section, click Edit. 6.Clear the Anonymous Access check box. If a checkbox named Integrated Windows authentication is present, be sure that it is presently checked. Then click OK. 7.Click OK. 8.With Default Web Site highlighted, click the Start button in the toolbar to start the web site. 9.Close the Internet Information Services console. Important: You must also configure the proxy plug-in for IIS. For general information about doing this, see Web Proxy Settings.
Stop and restart IIS when these steps are completed.