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TeamConnect has two types of login URLs.

Login URL


System Default

Give users the System Default login URL if you have selected System Default authentication in their User Account screen settings. This is the default login URL.

If you have not installed any custom authentication mechanisms into TeamConnect, give this login URL to your users.

The URL takes the form:

http://[host]/[context path]/login

For example:


Standard TeamConnect

Give users the Standard TeamConnect login URL if you have selected Standard TeamConnect authentication in their User Account screen settings. If you have installed custom authentication mechanisms into TeamConnect, give this login URL only to users who are not authenticated by those custom mechanisms.

The URL takes the form:

http://[host][:port]/[context path]/standardLogin

For example:

The TeamConnectAdmin account always uses the standard login URL.

The user who administers the Data Warehouse feature must log in with standard authentication.

For details on authentication and its effect on logging in to TeamConnect, see Authenticating Yourself.