Use the Approvals page to control the settings for approval requests and the My Approvals pages.
Field Names and Descriptions
Default Value
Approval Settings
•Allow batch approval—Select this field to allow approvers to approve multiple requests at the same time by clicking the Approve Selected button below the table on the Requests to Approve page. Remove the checkmark to remove the Approve Selected button below the table so that approvers can only approve requests individually. •Allow batch rejection—Select this field to allow approvers to reject multiple requests at the same time by clicking the Reject Selected button below the table on the Requests to Approve page. Remove the checkmark to remove the Reject Selected button below the table so that approvers can only reject requests individually. •Show days remaining before approval expires instead of date of expiration—Select this field to include the Days Pending Action column in the Requests to Approve table. This column lists the number of days before the request expires. Without a checkmark, the table includes a Due Date column with the date of expiration. •Require Internal Comments upon rejection—Select this field to require the approver to enter comments in the Internal Comments field of the Confirm Rejection popup to reject the record(s). •Allow this group to batch reassign approval requests—Select a group from the drop-down field to allow the members of that group to use the Reassignment page of My Workflow Processes. |
The first check-box has a checkmark, and the other three have no checkmarks.
Expiration Reminders
Enable reminder x day(s) prior to expiration—Select this field to enable the ability for approvers to receive email reminders before requests expire. After you place a checkmark in the check-box, enter a number of days in the text field.
You can set up to three reminders. To receive the email reminders, the user must enable those reminders under Email Preferences.
The first check-box has a checkmark and the text field has a 1.