Use the Authentication Plug-in section of the Admin Settings Security page to choose the default authentication method used by TeamConnect. Authentication is the process of comparing the username and password entered in the TeamConnect login screen to those stored in the database. If the information matches, the user is allowed access to TeamConnect.
The Standard Authentication plug-in is the default authentication method and logs the user into TeamConnect only. This is a secure method, but your organization might choose to integrate the TeamConnect authentication process with a network-wide method. The selected default method applies to all users except those that you specifically override.
Plug-ins are categorized based on their effect on the login process. The two main types of authentication plug-ins are:
•Standard Authentication—Allows users to bypass the login screen. If you load an authentication plug-in that has standard sign-on support, users do not see the login screen or enter a username and password because they are authenticated at the network level. If standard authentication is enabled, no other standard sign-on mechanism can be used.
•Non-standard Authentication—Allows the identity verification to be handled by an external mechanism used in your environment. This type of plug-in allows authentication to be performed by your local network method, but still requires users to log in to TeamConnect by entering a username and password. You can install various non-standard sign-in plug-ins, and then select which one is used on a per user basis.
Note: In order to have a choice of authentication methods, the appropriate configuration files must be edited and plug-ins must be installed as described in Authentication.
Regardless of the plug-in that you select, only Standard authentication is used for the TeamConnect Admin and System user accounts and you cannot change it.
If you plan to use a single sign-on method such as NTLM or LDAP, it must be the default authentication method. It is not possible to have Standard Authenticator as the default while overriding a few individual users with NTLM or LDAP.
When single sign-on is the default authentication method, you cannot override a few individual users with standard authentication. Instead, for those users, you must ensure that they use the regular login URL, then append standardLogin to the end of the URL, to force the use of standard authentication.
For information about how to override authentication for individual users, see Creating or Editing Users.