Address books let you organize person and company contacts into groups that you use frequently. You can use an address book to send messages to a group of people, or to send a meeting invitation to a group of users.
You can create address books in two ways:
•The New button on the Contacts list view
•On the Address Books Manage List page
By default, address books that you create are private.
1.Click the Contacts tab. 2.Click New, and then select New Address Book.  New Address Book
The Address Book General page opens.
 Address Book General Page
3.In the Name field, enter the name of this address book. 4.Select one of the following options: oSelect the Public box if you want other users to have access to this address book. oLeave the Public check-box unchecked if you do not want others to have access to this address book. Once you mark an address book Public or Private, you cannot change this setting. If necessary, you can delete the address book, and add it again with the appropriate designation.
5.Click Save. You return to the Manage Address Books page and your address book appears in the list.
1.Click the Contacts tab. 2.In the left pane, click the Manage link. 3.On the Manage List page, click New Address Book.  Manage List Page - Add New Address Book
4.In the Name field, enter the name of this address book. 5.Select one of the following options: oSelect the Public box if you want other users to have access to this address book. oLeave the Public check-box unchecked if you do not want others to have access to this address book. 6.Click Save. You are returned to the Contacts list view and your address book appears in the left pane.
To add users to address books, see Adding Contacts to an Address Book.