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Viewing Transactions History for an Account

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Use the Transactions page to view all financial transactions for an account.

Transactions that are internal to the account include fund additions, fund subtractions, and transfer of funds.

Transactions that are triggered outside of the account can include posting and voiding expenses, posting and voiding tasks, and posting and voiding invoices. These externally triggered transactions are dependent on an account's Posting Criteria page settings. For more information, see Setting Transaction Posting Criteria.

Modifying Account Transactions

You cannot delete or modify account transactions from the Transactions page. If you need to change invoice, task, and expense transactions, you have to void each transaction, edit the respective record, and post the record again.

To change fund additions, subtractions, and transfers you must post reverse transactions. For example, if you added $150,000 to an account and then decide that only $75,000 should have been added, you can make the correction by subtracting $75,000 from the account.