The following sample creates a user account record. Prerequisite to working with user records, a corresponding contact (type person) record must already exist in TeamConnect . In addition, you need to get the following information before writing an application using Web Services: the unique key of the related contact record.
// this sample assumes a contact record (type person) already exists with the unique key (String) value equal to contactUniqueKey
protected UserAccountRepository userAccountRepository;
private String insertUserAccount() throws Exception {
String userAccountName = "John_Doe";
UserAccountCreate userAccount = new UserAccountCreate();
//username is a required field
//password is a required field
//contactUniqueKey is a required field
userAccount.setShortDescription("new user hired 10/01/2008, business administrator");
String uniqueKey = userAccountRepository.insertUserAccount(userAccount);
return uniqueKey;