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Each TeamConnect Web Service provides a method for updating a corresponding record. The general form of the method is updateObject (ObjectUpdate). For example, for the Contact repository the corresponding method is updateContact (ContactUpdate). Among the properties of the ContactUpdate object that you need to set, the unique key of the target record to update is required. There is no return value.

An updateObject method does not retrieve all of a record's data before updating its properties. The target record to update is identified by its unique key, then you use set methods to update existing property values or populate empty property values.

To clear existing property values and reset the values to null, use the getClearedProps method provided in the ObjectUpdate class. For example, to update a contact of type person by clearing existing property values, use the PersonUpdate.getClearedProps().add(Item) method. Otherwise use the PersonUpdate.getClearedProps().addAll(Items) method where Items is a list of contact property names whose values to clear.